Sunday, April 1, 2012


Risk Factors for Cancer

As has always been the case, almost all Cancers are caused by radiation strikes on DNA in the Nucleus of living cells. The increased exposure to radiation in the modern world as well as internal exposures due to fallout and radioactive contamination from human activities are the direct causes of most cancers. A few viruses are suspected of directly entering living human cells and of altering DNA in the nucleus. They make up a very small percentage of Cancer cases.

Exposures to some substances that can lead to the spread of cancer once it has started are called carcinogens. Many tests have been conducted in the past half century to determine which substances increase the likelyhood of cancer growing in the body. Most carcinogens do not affect DNA directly, but can lead to cancer in other ways. For example, they may cause cells to divide at a faster than normal rate, which could increase the chances that DNA changes will occur, or they also can act to suppress the immune system so that Cancers are not attacked and killed by the body’s own self defense systems, such as white blood cells. This immune suppression can be specific to certain organs. An example would be alcohol causes dead spots in the human liver when consumed to excess. It also appears to retard the liver’s ability to repair cells damaged by radiation strikes. It thus via immune suppression facilitates the Growth and Spread of Cancer even though it does not actually cause the cancer cells in the first place.

Risk Factors for Colon Cancer

Other than radiation exposure, any other exact causes of colon cancer are not known.

Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

While breast cancer develops because of a mysterious interaction of different factors, researchers have associated some behaviors and lifestyle choices with higher risk. These include:

Radiation Exposure (Especially during breast growth and use)

Being overweight or obese, especially in menopause (More radiation strikes on larger breasts)

Drinking a glass or more of alcohol per day (Immune suppression)

Being physically inactive, especially in menopause (Immune suppression)

Night-shift work (Stress that causes immune suppression)

Smoking (Radioactive Polonium and Lead irradiate the chest and breasts)

Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer

Other than radiation exposure, no one knows any other exact causes of prostate cancer.

Risk Factors for Formaldehyde

No known direct link between Formaldehyde and Cancer is known, but exposure to the chemical does appear to slightly increase the risk of cancer in diverse parts of the body. (Immune suppression)

Risk Factors for Hair Dye

Hair Dyes back in the 1970’s were linked to increased risk of cancer but they have been modified since then. A few studies from that era have linked the personal use of hair dyes with slightly increased risks of certain cancers of the blood and bone marrow, such as non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and leukemia as well as bladder cancer for hair stylists and barbers. (Immune suppression.)

Risk Factors for Pesticides

For this we look at farms. Farmers in many countries, including the United States, have lower overall early death rates and cancer rates than the general population. Lower death rates among farmers for heart disease and cancers of the lung, (even though they aspirate pesticides on a regular basis) esophagus, bladder, and colon, in particular, are thought to be due, at least in part, to lower smoking rates, as well as more physically active lifestyles and dietary factors. People in rural areas are exposed to pesticides, engine exhausts, solvents, dusts, animal viruses, fertilizers, fuels, and specific microbes that may account for some slightly elevated cancer rates. For example, farming communities have slightly higher rates of leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and soft tissue sarcoma, as well as cancers of the skin, lip, stomach, brain, and prostate. Though there is no direct relationship between farm chemicals and cancer it does appear that the risk for certain cancers is elevated.

Risk Factors for Artificial Sweeteners

There is no clear evidence that the artificial sweeteners available commercially in the United States are associated with cancer risk in humans. (Not even immune suppression in this case.)

Risk Factors for Benzene

Benzene like some pesticides, can weaken the body's immune system, increasing your risk for infections, including thrush.|21765|exposure%20to%20benzene||S|b|7650652454&gclid=CKrinoCalK8CFcIFRQodom5w1g&xid=g_dlp-v1t00

Risk Factors for Asbestos

Asbestos in the environment releases tiny fibers into the air. When those fibers are breathed in, they may get trapped in the lungs and remain there for a long time. Over time, these fibers can accumulate and cause scarring and inflammation. This increases the risk for Cancer but is no guarantee of same. (Immune suppression in the area of the inflammation)

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About Me

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Born Chicago. Lived: Palos Heights Chicago, Illinois; American Samoa; Mexico; Escondido and San Diego, California; and then I finally graduated from High School. Subsequently, 12 years in the Navy took me all over the world.